Create your profile on elAbogado
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Create your profile on elAbogado
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Create your profile on elAbogado

Invest in your success!

  • Receive contacts from future clients.
  • Get an efficient customizable tool.
  • Gain online visibility.
  • Sign up for free in less than 5 minutes.

Get quality contacts, verified by lawyers

Fully customizable profile

Receive contacts from the practice areas in which you are an expert, as well as from the entire geographical area in which you practice.

Pre-filtered contacts

All contacts are filtered by a team of lawyers who verify and classify the case information.

Pay only if you receive contacts

Possibility to activate Pay Per Contact to receive a higher volume of contacts. You define the price per contact.

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What do our lawyers think?

- Taren Castro, Estate Planning Lawyer in Royal Palm Beach, FL

With elAbogado, I have gotten new clients who have hired my services. With the fantastic help of the Customer Success team, I have maximized my investment.

- Taren Castro, Estate Planning Lawyer in Royal Palm Beach, FL

- Taren Castro, Estate Planning Lawyer in Royal Palm Beach, FL

The page is an excellent marketing tool and allows access to a large number of clients due to the extraordinary online presence of elAbogado. The page has brought me new cases in different states, including California, New York, and Florida.

- Cesar Duenas, Criminal Lawyer in Miami, FL

We solve your doubts.

We generate verified potential client contacts, from individuals or companies that need a lawyer. Every day hundreds of people look for their lawyer on elAbogado. To ensure quality, our legal team calls each potential client to verify:
  • That their data is correct.
  • That they need a paid lawyer (we make it clear that the lawyers in the directory do not do free consultations or visits, as they are private paid professionals).
  • What practice area they need a lawyer for.
Once we have verified this data, we allow a maximum of 2 lawyers from our directory to contact this potential client.

If you want to receive more contacts from elAbogado, follow our personalized suggestions. It's the fastest way to configure your profile to maximize it. Try the simulator by changing prices and geographical scope to find the balance of contacts you want to receive.

Yes, on elAbogado you have the option to set a weekly budget for your potential client acquisition.

Find more answers to your questions in our Help Section.
Contacta con nosotros

Still have doubts?

We respond to you in less than 1 hour, Monday to Friday from 10:00 am. to 4:00 pm.