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How to choose a lawyer?

If youve ever needed a lawyer, youve probably wondered where to find one and how to determine which one is the right fit for you. Various questions arise during the process of choosing a lawyer. The purpose of this text is to help you select and find the lawyer that best suits your needs. After researching this topic and interviewing several lawyers (asking them about the most important criteria to consider when choosing a lawyer), the following conclusion has been reached. The following are the most important criteria to consider when choosing a lawyer, as well as their order of importance.


This is a fundamental value when choosing a lawyer. After all, we will share our problem and provide personal and confidential information. Therefore, it is important that our lawyer is honest, trustworthy and recommended by a friend or acquaintance.


It's evident that not only trust is important during the process of choosing a lawyer. Experience and the specific practice areas they handle are also very important criteria. So, if were choosing a lawyer and we have doubts between two who inspire a lot of trust, we will choose the one with more experience of the two.

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Experience and specialization

It's evident that not only trust is important during the process of choosing a lawyer. Experience and/or the areas of practice they handle are also very important criteria. So, if were choosing a lawyer and were torn between two who both inspire a lot of confidence, well choose the one with more experience of the two.

Fees (the cost)

This is one of the fundamental aspects when choosing a lawyer. It may be more important for some than trust. The question here would be the following: If I have to choose among several lawyers, and they all offer me a similar budget, I will choose the one recommended to me or the one with more experience (provided that the difference in fees is minimal).

Geographic location

The location of the lawyer or law firm is also important but not the most critical factor when choosing a lawyer. It also depends on the significance of the particular case. Obviously, we wouldnt choose a lawyer who is 1,000 miles away from our location, no matter how highly recommended they are. Therefore, the geographical criterion is important but would rank lower than those mentioned earlier.

In conclusion, it's important to highlight that these are the most common criteria to consider in the process of selecting a lawyer. The personal order we give to them is also significant. What matters more to me, their proximity to my location or their affordability? What if they have great reviews even though they are in another city? Well, the order of these criteria depends on each individuals unique situation, but most of us likely value our lawyer having experience in the specific area of our case. The same applies to trust. According to the opinion of the interviewed attorneys, trust is the most crucial criterion of all. Therefore, we would probably prefer a recommended lawyer over one with extensive experience but about whom we know nothing more than that.