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How does elAbogado work?

elAbogado is the directory that helps you find the perfect lawyer for your location and area of expertise.

More than 6,000 users find their lawyer each month with elAbogado, and more than 1,000 lawyers listed in our directory endorse the professionalism and usefulness of the platform for finding new clients.

How do we do it?

Every day, we receive hundreds of requests from people like you who are looking for a specialized attorney in their area. At elAbogado, we contact you by phone to find out what legal expertise you need, and within a few minutes, an expert lawyer in your legal matter calls you to handle your case.

How do we arrange the lawyers that match the potential clients search?

In the listings of specialized lawyers registered in elAbogado that appear when users perform a search in our directory, professionals are displayed in a specific order. First, lawyers with an active marketing campaign are shown, marked as Ad to make them easily distinguishable for users. Following this initial sorting criterion, the algorithm calculates based on several factors: positive ratings, expertise in the legal field, whether the lawyer has the elAbogado app available, the proximity of their office to the location selected by the user, the quantity and quality of information in the profile, and the reviews received by the lawyer from their clients.